(December 13, 2017)- The SC&R Foundation Grant & Scholarship program for 2017 has awarded 25 recipients with a total of $46,000 in awards. SC&R Foundation is pleased to announce the…
(August 3, 2017)– Applications to the SC&R Foundation’sgrant program are due at the end of this month, on Thursday, August 31. The grant program awards between $250 and $5,000 to…
(October 12, 2017)– The deadline to apply for an SC&R Foundation grant is October 31. Nearly $7,550 remains to be awarded to anyone who currently works in the specialized transportation…
(December 6, 2017)– The SC&R Foundation Scholarship deadline is over a month away, but now is the time to begin the application. Eligibility requirements restrict applicants to SC&RA member employees,…
(January 17, 2018)– The SC&R Foundation has developed a new program to assist SC&RA members in providing an internship stipend for a top candidate they may not otherwise be able to…
(February 21, 2018)– If you or someone you know is interested in gaining new skills for a job in the industry, an SC&R Foundation grant can help them take the…
(March 7, 2018)– Are you committed to educating the future workforce on the opportunities and breadth of career options in the industry? Have you considered hiring an intern for the…
(March 14, 2018)– According to the most recent SC&RA Financial Benchmark Study, the highest owner’s discretionary profit percentages were achieved through gross profit margin advantages. Crane rental companies achieved median…
(April 4, 2018)– Are you looking to translate terms on the spot or have employees that need to study industry terms and become more familiar with specifics before they meet…
(April 11, 2018)– Advance your career or the career of an up and coming employee by applying for an SC&R Foundation Grant. The next deadline is April 30. Grants are…