News & Media


The SC&RF invests in industry specific research to benefit the SC&RA and industry. Often the research studies are used by SC&RA staff to advocate on behalf of industry companies to support long-term objectives such as permitting harmonization, education regarding specialized transportation and crane and rigging. Some projects result in tools and resources like mobile apps and or a benchmark for their business.

Resources & Tools

Mobile App – Industry Terms

Now there’s a FREE mobile app for you and your employees. Learn specific industry terms in 3 languages – English, Spanish or German.


Learn about the Crane, Rigging and Heavy Haul Industry

Hear from a crane operator, driver, an engineer and others in the heavy haul and crane and rigging industry on what makes their job rewarding, challenging and new everyday. Careers in this industry are fairly and generously compensated and skilled workers are needed.


Research Reports

2017 Benchmark Study

The 2017 Benchmark Study is now complete! Thank you to all participants and underwriters. SC&RA members are eligible to receive a FREE digital copy of the study. Email or to receive your study.


Historical Research Projects

The SC&RF (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Foundation funds industry specific research to benefit the SC&RA member companies and the industry as a whole. Over the years, more than $620,000 in projects have been funded.

Year Report
2022 State of the Crane, Rigging and Specialized Transport Industry White Paper (Release in Q1 2023)
2021 Data Collection – workforce Study
2021 Update 2012 “Transporting a Global Economy” Study (Release in Q4 2022)
2018 American Transportation Research (ATRI) Cost Analysis Study – Issue update and Full Report
2017 Financial Benchmarking Study (Profit Soup) (FREE copy – email
2016 USB with Recruiting Video
2015 Mobile App of Industry Terms
2014 Industry Recruiting Video
2013 Partnership
2011 Continuation of Arizona DOT project – Trailers Trusses and Tridems
2010 Arizona DOT project – Trailers Trusses and Tridems
2009 An analysis and update of SC&RA’s Pilot Car Escort, Best Practices Guidelines
2007 Pilot Car Regional Uniformity Study
2006 Municipality Permit Uniformity Study
2005 Virtis software enhancement to incorporate non-standard gage-length axles. Used by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
2005 Recommended Practices for Telescopic Hydraulic Gantry Systems DVD
2004 Moving the World video/DVD
2003 Pocket Size Glossary of Crane & Rigging Terms
2002 M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction at the University of Florida
2001 Oversize/Overweight Transportation Study
2000 MIT Reports
1999 Economic Benefits of Permit Uniformity for Oversize/Overweight Movements by Cambridge Systematic, Inc.
1998 Injury Case Description Safety Survey of Specialized Carriers & Rigging Companies by Association Research Institute (ARI)
1997 Injury Case Description Safety Survey of Specialized Carriers & Rigging Companies
1996 Injury Case Description Safety Survey of Specialized Carriers & Rigging Companies
Guidelines for Determining the Value of a Crane or Rigging Related Co.
Computer Applications for the Crane & Rigging Industry
Crane & Rigging Safety Program Guidelines
A Report on North American Crane Operators
Overall Assessments of the Crane & Rigging Industry
Accounting Guidelines for the Growing Crane & Rigging Company
Glossary of Common Crane & Rigging Terms – Reprinted to be pocketsize/ Spanish (2003)
ARI (Association Research Institute) Reports

Suggest a Research Project

Have you got an idea for a SC&RF research project? Fill out the form below to tell us about your idea, or send details in an email to


Articles By Category

Research Committee

The Research Committee is charged with review of potential research projects and development of resources and tools and make recommendations to the SC&RF Board for approval. The committee is also tasked with creating and overseeing curriculum for high school students to provide an introduction to the industry. To suggest a research project or get involved in a committee contact SC&RF Director, Jackie Roskos.

Cameron Boots

Gallagher Insurance

Ken Goddard


Jennifer Gabel

JK Crane

Brent Hutto

Mike Knott

Phoenix Crane Rental

Paula Vlaming

Vlaming & Associates

Dan Williams

Wright Plan