(January 17, 2018)– The SC&R Foundation has developed a new program to assist SC&RA members in providing an internship stipend for a top candidate they may not otherwise be able to hire.
The Foundation asks that SC&RA member companies submit a an Internship Reservation Application by March 23 in preparation for summer or fall internships. Both U.S. and international SC&RA member companies are accepted.Internship awards will range from $500-$3,000 depending on the length of internship and total amount to be paid to the intern.
The deadline to apply is March 23, 2018. Please note that all SC&RA membership dues must be up-to-date to apply. Click herefor complete eligibility details and an application. Questions may be directed to Jackie Roskos, Director Foundation at jroskos@scranet.orgor 703.207.3587.