(SC&RA E-News: December 13, 2017)
The SC&R Foundation Grant & Scholarship program for 2017 has awarded 25 recipients with a total of $46,000 in awards. SC&R Foundation is pleased to announce the following winners from the October 2017 round:
Congratulations to Jakob Green who will receive a grant for his Power Equipment program at Ohio State. Devin Cartwright, rigger and CDL driver with Taylor Crane and Rigging, will be attending the Safety Resources Unlimited Crane course.
The SC&R Foundation also selected the following winners with their Partners in Education, Crane Inspection and Certification Bureau (CICB) and the National Commission for Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). Logan Goddard, rigger and driver at SC&RA member company, Taylor Crane & Rigging, is an NCCCO Continuing Education Grant recipient and will be granted credit for several certifications. Michael Martinez-Fonesco, facility manager for OIT Inc., received a CICB Continuing Education Grant for the Rigger I and Rigger II courses.
Deadlines for 2018 are January 16 for scholarships, and February 28 for grants. For more information on eligibility requirements, visit https://scr-foundation.org/oldsite/dev/scholarships_grant/ or contact Jackie Roskos.