Scholarships & Grants
The SC&RF provides educational assistance to individuals pursuing a career in the crane, rigging or specialized transport industry in the form of scholarships. Additionally awards are provided to individuals who wish to take a course with an organization who has donated seats in training (Partners in Education). Grants are awarded to companies who are training multiple employees in effort to ease the financial burden of necessary training and upskilling.
The SC&RF’s long established scholarship program provides financial assistance to individuals working in the industry who wish to advance their career or those who would like to begin a career in the industry. Scholarships are divided into three categories: Collegiate, Partners In Education and Vocational/Technical.
Company Training (CT) Grant
The CT Grant is for SC&RA member companies who are training multiple employees (2+). This award is designed to ease the financial burden of training and certification for companies who are bringing on new employees or training groups of employees. Companies who typically pay for onsite trainers or send multiple employees to the same course are eligible. Training can include but is not limited to OSHA safety, certifications, mechanics.

All Grants & Scholarships
Applications Are Accepted On A Rolling Basis
Deadline is Dec 6, 2024 to be awarded in 2024
$20,000 is Allocated for 2024
Company Training Grant
The CT (Company Training) Grant is designed to ease the financial burden of training and certification for companies who are brining on new employees or have small shops that require groups of employees to receive training. Companies who typically pay for onsite trainers or send multiple employees to the same course are elgible.
Unlike the traditional scholarship awards, the CT Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis without set deadlines. The selection will be made in a timely manner and awards will be announced within 3 weeks. The benefit of a quick turnaround for companies looking to conduct training quickly far exceeds the logistics involved with reviewing, scoring and providing an award decision.
The CT Grant is offered as an exclusive benefit to SC&RA member companies and requires companies to remain in good standing with the association.
Are You Eligible?
- Company Training (CT) Grants are open to all SC&RA member companies who have paid their member dues.
- Companies may apply for this award for two or more individuals.
- If you would like to apply for an individual award please visit Vo/Tech Award page.
Application Details
Courses or classes should be directly related to acquiring necessary skills to advance your employees’ careers. For example:
- Mechanics
- Welding
- Rigging
- Project management
- Software training (new systems)
- Driver school
- Crane operator certification
Award Amounts
Company Training (CT) Grants range up to $5,000.
Awards must be used for the training or courses indicated in the application. Awards must be utilized within 6 months of being awarded. Please note the new award disbursement policy: Any extenuating circumstances will be subject to review. Award disbursements are made directly to the school or trainer on the company’s behalf. Awards are not provided directly to a company. If funds are not used in full, funds will be returned to the Foundation.
2024 Recipients
- Brasserie & Gorie $5,000
2023 Recipients
JK Crane | $790 |
Tesar | $3500 |
Crane Monster | $2500 |
LR Wilson | $3000 |
Wilkerson Crane | $5000 |
Palco Transportation | $2000 |
TOTAL | $16,790 |
Applications are now being accepted!
DEADLINE: January 31, 2024
Collegiate Scholarship
The Collegiate scholarship program is one of the longest standing awards providing financial assistance awarded by the SC&RF. Each year, up to 10 recipients are selected to receive a scholarship. Awards range from $1,000 – $4,500 each. Since 1986, the SC&RF has awarded more than $870,000 in educational assistance to individuals pursing a career in crane, rigging and specialized transport.
Are You Eligible?
- Scholarship applicants must be an employee of an SC&RA member company
OR - Applicants must be a direct relative (child, step child, spouse, grand child) of an employee for an SC&RA member company (Search online: SC&RA member directory here)
Application Details
- Scholarships are awarded to applicants pursuing:
- 4 year degree
- Masters degree
- Full-time and Part-time students are eligible.
- Applicants should be interested in a career in the industry or be currently employed by a company in the industry.
Award Amounts
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $3,000. This amount is subject to Board approval and fund availability. Awards are dispersed to the winner’s school upon receipt of matriculation information.
Winners must use the Award for the course and scheduled date indicated on the application. Please note the new award disbursement policy: Winners must provide confirmation of course registration within 30 days of receiving award notification Courses must be taken at the time indicated not the application or award will be deemed waived. Any extenuating circumstances will be subject to review. Award disbursements are made directly to the school on the student’s behalf.
Contact the Foundation at
Applications are now being accepted!
Deadlines are the last day of each month. Applications will be reviewed the following month by 15th and announced
Vocational/Technical Scholarship
Note: you do not have to be an employee of an SC&RA member company to apply!
The Vo/Tech Scholarships are awarded to individuals who are pursuing a career in the Crane, Rigging and Specialized Transport industry. Courses or training can range from one day to several semesters. Awards typically range from $500 – $5,000. Recipients are not required to be employed by an SC&RA member company. The Partner In Education (PIE) scholarships are awarded through the Vo/Tech application review process. If you would like to apply for a PIE course offered by one of our partners – please indicate the school and course on your application.
Please note: One letter of recommendation is required to submit your application.
Are You Eligible?
- Vocational/Technical Scholarships (previously called Grants) are open to individuals who currently works in the specialized transportation or crane and rigging industry OR individuals interested in working in the industry. Awards are not available for companies – an individual must apply.
- Open to the public and SC&RA member company employees.
- There is no income cap to be eligible.
Application Details
- Courses or classes should be directly related to acquiring necessary skills to advance your career in the industry. (For example, diesel mechanics, welding, book keeping, driver school, crane operator certification, marketing, accounting)
- If you are pursuing a 4 year degree or masters, please complete the Collegiate Scholarship application.
Award Amounts
Vocational/Technical Scholarship awards range from $250 to $5,000. If your course or class is more than $5,000, please provide information on how you will pay the remaining tuition costs.
Winners must use the Award for the course and scheduled date indicated on the application. Please note the new award disbursement policy: Winners must provide confirmation of course registration within 30 days of receiving award notification Courses must be taken at the time indicated not the application or award will be deemed waived. Any extenuating circumstances will be subject to review. Award disbursements are made directly to the school on the student’s behalf. Awards are not provided directly to a company or individual. If funds are not used in full, funds will be returned to the Foundation. If an applicant is selected for a NCCCO certification or courses with ITI, CICB, Morrow or ATS, the selection committee will work with the applicant and companies to schedule courses.
Contact the Foundation at
Partners In Education Program — Scholarships for Training
Note: You do not have to be an employee with an SC&RA member company to apply for training with these partners!
SC&RF has training seats available to award through partnerships with ITI, ATS, CICB, Morrow Equipment Company and NCCCO. To apply for an award of a seat with one of the SC&RF’s partners, complete the vocational/technical scholarship application.
Are You Eligible?
- Partner in Education Scholarships are open to the public and SC&RA member company employees.
- There is no income cap to be eligible.
- Apply for a PIE scholarship through the Vocational/Technical Application.
- Please check with the PIE organization to determine upcoming course and value.
Application Details
- Awards are announced 30 days after the deadline.
- Your course must not end before selections are announced
- Your application must be submitted by the deadline to be eligible
- A letter of recommendation must be submitted by the recommender through the online system to complete your application.
To apply for an award of a seat with one of the SC&RF’s partners, complete the vocational/technical scholarship application.
Award Amounts
In addition to $30,000 in funds, the SC&RF has training seats available to award through partnerships with ITI, ATS, CICB, Morrow Equipment Company and NCCCO.
Winners must use the Award for the course and scheduled date indicated on the application. Please note the new award disbursement policy: Winners must provide confirmation of course registration within 30 days of receiving award notification Courses must be taken at the time indicated not the application or award will be deemed waived. Any extenuating circumstances will be subject to review. Award disbursements are made directly to the school on the student’s behalf. Awards are not provided directly to a company or individual. If funds are not used in full, funds will be returned to the Foundation.
If an applicant is selected for a NCCCO certification or courses with ITI, CICB, Morrow or ATS, the selection committee will work with the applicant and companies to schedule courses.
Contact the Foundation at
Vo/Tech Scholarship Application Deadline
February 28 / April 30 / June 30 / August 31/ October 31 / December 31
CICB Award – Partner In Education Scholarship
SC&RF has a partnership with CICB that enables us to award scholarship applicants with training courses. The value of the courses donated is over $60,000. Please review details below and apply through the Vo/Tech Scholarship Application by indicating CICB as the school and the course name below.
Seats are available at 50-100% Tuition. You may select from the following:
- Mobile Crane Operator Certification Program – for novice operators wishing to learn and become a certified crane operator on fixed and swing cab hydraulic cranes. Three-week program consisting of Mobile Crane Operator Level I, Mobile Crane Operator Level 2 and NCCCO Preparatory for Fixed and Swing Cab Cranes with a minimum of 12 hours of seat time. Practical Exams or NCCCO application fees not included. Available in Houston, TX only. Subject to availability during a regularly scheduled program. *(1 seat awarded per deadline)
- Crane Operator Preparatory Training for NCCCO Certification – for experienced operators of lattice boom cranes, telescopic boom – swing and/or fixed cab cranes, articulating boom cranes, and overhead cranes. Practical Exams or NCCCO application fees not included. Available in Houston, TX or Orlando, FL. Subject to availability during a regularly scheduled program. *(5 Seats awarded per year)
- Rigger Level I and Signal Person Preparatory Training and NCCCO Exams – for those who prepare loads for safe lifting and signal cranes. NCCCO application fees not included. Available in Houston, TX or Orlando, FL. Subject to availability during a regularly scheduled program. *(5 seats awarded annually)
- Rigger Level II Preparatory Training and NCCCO Exams – for experienced Riggers who prepare loads for safe lifting. NCCCO application fees not included. Available in Houston, TX or Orlando, FL. Subject to availability during a regularly scheduled program. *(5 seats awarded annually)
- Lift Director Preparatory for NCCCO Certification – Prerequisite: Attendee must possess an NCCCO Certification (or have successfully passed the written exams) for Telescopic Boom – Swing Cab, Lattice Boom Crawler, and Rigger Level II. Available in Houston, TX or Orlando, FL. Subject to availability during a regularly scheduled program. *(2 seats awarded annually)
Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau (CICB)
Headquartered in Orlando, FL since 1969 with a second training facility in Houston, TX, Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau (CICB) provides customized training for every type of lifting equipment and inspection services worldwide. The facilities have on-site mobile cranes (fixed cab, swing cab and lattice boom crawler), rigging gear shops, and overhead cranes for enhanced hands-on training. Customized training is also available at client’s sites.
CICB’s professionally trained instructors and subject matter experts are not only NCCCO Accredited Practical Examiners, but are NCCCO Certified as Mobile, Overhead & Articulating Crane Operators, Riggers, Signalpersons, Lift Directors and Crane Inspectors. CICB’s instructors have been awarded the prestigious Top Trainer Award in 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2009.
CICB’s certified industry experts have helped thousands of companies reduce risk to personnel and equipment, increase productivity and equipment reliability, improve skills and extend the life of equipment. We are a veteran owned and operated company and service is our mission and commitment.
The CICB facility in Houston, TX is Approved and Regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges, to offer training programs on an individual basis as well as programs for non-experienced operators. For more detailed information on courses offered visit the CICB website.
Course Locations:
All courses are in-person at one of the CICB facilities. For available start dates, contact CICB.
NOTE: Please indicate on your application the training course you are interested in taking as well as the date. Some courses are only at specific locations.
Vo/Tech Scholarship Application Deadlines
February 28 / April 30 / June 30 / August 31/ October 31 / December 31
Industrial Training International (ITI) – Partner In Education Scholarship
Through the Partner In Education (PIE) program, ITI is offering 100% tuition for all online courses. Several other in-person courses listed below are also offered. To apply for these courses, indicate the school and course on your Vo/Tech application.
The Foundation has a partnership with Industrial Training International (ITI) to award seats in training at 100% tuition.
Unlimited Seats Available!
- Mobile Crane Operator Prep for National Certification – for operators of lattice boom, telescopic boom, and boom truck cranes
- Rigger I Prep for National Certification – for those who prepare loads for safe lifting
- Rigger II Prep for National Certification – for those who prepare loads for safe lifting
- Master Rigger – is designed for participants that have had some exposure (2-10 years) to crane and rigging operations. The course exposes participants to a variety of equipment and applications which include multiple crane lifts, load turning, load drifting with chain hoists, jacking and rolling using mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, incline planes and managing the center-of-gravity in all three axes.
- Intermediate Rigging – designed for the beginner to intermediate level person whose work assignments involve some rigging activity
For information on course dates — search the ITI website at
Note: Scholarships are available for courses that occur after the Review process. The Review Process is approximately 3 weeks after each deadline.
Rigging Course
Courses from ITI’s Fundamentals of Rigging Engineering – for those who plan and oversee lifting and load handling activities including: Lift Planners, Crane & Rigging Managers, Engineers.
Select full program grants available (5 required courses, 2 electives) as well as grants for eligible individual course selections. Courses have been reviewed and approved by ASME for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and is accredited by LEEA. Recipients are responsible for student material fees.
- RE-110 Engineering Principles for Rigging & Load Handling Activities (Required Course)
- RE-120 Crane & Derrick Engineering, Installation, & Planning (Required Course)
- RE-130 Rigging & Load Handling Equipment Engineering & Applications (Required)
- RE-140 Alternative Load Handling Equipment Engineering & Applications (Required)
- RE-150 Lift Planning Procedure, Considerations & Execution (Required)
- RE-160 Specialized Transport Planning & Engineering Considerations (Elective)
- RE-170 Standards & Regulations for Load Handling Equipment (Elective)
- Master Rigger (Elective – Full Program option only)
- Rigging Gear Inspector Level I & II (Elective – Full Program option only)
- Mobile Crane Inspector (Elective – Full Program option only)
Industrial Training International (ITI)
ITI was founded in January 1986 to assist worldwide organizations in preparing competent work forces who conduct efficient, proper and innovative load handling activities. ITI conducts training through instructor-led programs at clients’ locations and ITI Training Centers, online via ITI Online and ITI VR.
For a complete description of all ITI offerings visit their website.
NOTE: Please indicate on your application the training course you are interested in taking as well as the date.
Vo/Tech Scholarship Application Deadlines
February 28 / April 30 / June 30 / August 31/ October 31 / December 31
Morrow Equipment Company – Partner In Education Scholarship
SC&RF has a partnership with Morrow Equipment Company that enables us to award scholarship applicants with training courses offered by Morrow Equipment Company. The value of the courses donated is over $25,000. Please review details below and apply through the Vo/Tech Scholarship Application by indicating Morrow as the school and the course name below.
Morrow has generously donated 100% tuition to be offered in addition to travel expenses (airfare, airport transfer and hotel).
Available Seats are indicated below the following In-Person Courses available for 2023 (Courses also include airfare, hotel and airport transfer):
Tower Crane Safety and Inspection (3 of 3 seats available for 100% tuition)
Course Description: Safety and Inspection is a course covering general tower crane knowledge. This 3-day course is aimed at those involved in inspection and safety compliance for tower cranes.
A sampling of course topics includes:
- Erection
- Dismantling
- Climbing systems
- Tower crane drive technology
- Overload systems
- Limit switches
- Bolting requirements
- Certification procedures
- Load testing
- Tower crane communications
- Structural inspection
- Foundation requirements
- Transport
- Anchorages and recognizing electrical hazards
- Hands-on field inspections of working tower crane
Tower Crane NCCCO Certification (3 of 3 seats available for 100% tuition)
This course is for a Crane Operator looking to further their career by adding this category.
Pre-requisite: Certification in another NCCCO Crane operator category.
Course Description: The Morrow Equipment Company Training Center is a permanent test site for Tower Crane NCCCO written and practical exams. Our training will help candidates to prepare for these examinations.
Subject areas of study included but are not limited to:
- Tower Crane Configurations
- Load Handling Capacities
- Erection, Dismantling and Climbing
- Bolted Connections
- Safe Operating Practices
- Inspection and Maintenance
- Regulations and Standards
- Operator Aids
- Crane Signaling
- Power-line Safety
- Suspended Personnel Platforms
- Wire Rope Construction and Inspections
Note: Please indicate on your application the seat in the training course you are interested in receiving.
For complete course descriptions visit
**Winners will be recognized under the Morrow Equipment Education Scholarship
Morrow Equipment Company
Founded in 1968, Morrow has focused exclusively on the tower crane and construction hoist industry. As an exclusive distributor of Liebherr-manufactured tower cranes and as a representative of Alimak Scando hoists, we have developed a unique expertise and knowledge of our product line.
Morrow’s technical knowledge and foundational support, combined with the high quality of our product, has made Morrow one of the most successful in the lift equipment industry. As a continuing commitment to the Crane and Lifting industry, The Morrow Training Center was opened 25 years ago to educate and help users of tower cranes and construction hoists better understand the features, limitations and proper use of this equipment.
The 10,000sf training facility located in Salem, Oregon features functioning drives systems used in tower crane and hoist and has a dedicated Liebherr tower crane and Alimak hoist for hands on training.
CCO Scholarship Application Deadline
February 28 / April 30 / June 30 / August 31/ October 31 / December 31
NCCCO Foundation Award
Award Details
CCO certification fee scholarships are available from the NCCCO Foundation for 6 individuals annually. The total value of the award is $300 each. You may select from the following:
- Mobile Crane Operators—for operators of lattice boom, telescopic boom, service truck, and boom truck cranes
- Tower Crane Operators—for operators of hammerhead, luffing jib, or self-erecting tower cranes
- Overhead Crane Operators—for operators of overhead bridge or gantry cranes
- Articulating Crane Operators—for operators of articulating boom cranes and loaders (also known as “material loaders” or “wallboard cranes”)
- Digger Derrick Operators—for those who operate these unique pieces of equipment, which have their own capabilities and risks
- Signalpersons—for those who signal the crane operator during a lift
- Riggers—for those who prepare loads for safe lifting; Riggers Level I and Rigger Level II certifications available
What about Re-certification?
Yes, whether you are taking a certification test or re-certifying, you may apply to have the fees covered.
NOTE: Please indicate on your application the training course you are interested in taking as well as the date. Some courses are only at specific locations.
About the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO)
NCCO was formed in January 1995 as a non-profit organization with its mission to develop effective performance standards for safe crane operation to assist all segments of general industry and construction.
By providing thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills, CCO aims to enhance lifting equipment safety, reduce workplace risk, improve performance records, stimulate training, and give due recognition to the professionals who work in, with, and around cranes.
NCCCO Foundation Award
Safety is one of the most important issues facing the crane industry. Accidents on the construction site have many costs—death or serious injury, property damage, lost time, and litigation. The inherent hazards involved in lifting operations mean that only qualified professionals should operate cranes and digger derricks, rig loads, signal operators, inspect cranes, and plan and direct lifts. Standardized assessment and certification of the skills and knowledge required for safe operation have repeatedly proven to improve safety.
Certification Location
All CCO certifications are accredited by the American National Standards Institute National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and meet the requirements defined under OSHA’s new rules for cranes and derricks used in construction (29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC). CCO representatives regularly liaise with OSHA officials to seek clarifications of the new rules, relay concerns from industry, and ensure that CCO examinations remain in compliance. For a complete description of all CCO offerings visit their website.
NOTE: Please indicate on your application the training course you are interested in taking as well as the date. Some courses are only at specific locations.
Partners in Education

CICB has donated 50 percent to 100 percent tuition on courses at their Florida and Houston location. Their total donation is valued at more than $75,000 annually.

ITI is offering unlimited seats in all of their virtual training courses and online course catalog. This is a value over $80,000 annually.

Morrow Equipment Company donated two courses per quarter to be awarded through he scholarship process, valued at a total of $25,000 annually.