2 Winners Selected from August 2015 Round
The SC&R Foundation recently awarded grants to two individuals wishing to further careers related to the crane, rigging and specialized transportation industry through continuing education courses or vocational/technical college programs.
The Foundation selects its grants winners on a rolling basis. The latest SC&R Foundation grant recipients are:
- Jonathan Caldwell, whose responsibilities have included drafting and engineering since joining AmQuip Crane Rental, Birmingham, Ala., in March 2013, plans to use his $1,800 grant in pursuance of a Certificate in Structural Engineering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Ala.
- Shelly Gayring—who handles all marketing strategies, marketing communications and public relations for Empire Crane Company, Syracuse, N.Y.—plans to use her $700 grant for online coursework in pursuance of a Certified Construction Marketing Professional (CCMP) designation from Construction Marketing Institute. She has been employed at Empire since Nov. 2011.
The Foundation has $15,000 remaining of $42,000 for its grant program in 2015. Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 each and are awarded for courses or classes taken within 12 months of being received. Upcoming deadlines are Oct. 31 and Dec. 31.
The Foundation also continues to award annual scholarships to students working toward an undergraduate or graduate degree in preparation for careers related to crane, rigging and specialized transportation. To apply for a grant or scholarship from the SC&R Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, visit www.scr-foundation.org. You also will find information about the Foundation’s research projects, jobs program for veterans and fundraising activities. This month, SC&RA is shipping posters about the Grant & Scholarship program to member companies to promote the 2016 application deadlines.