Students & Educators Reached
Invested Workforce Development
Reports, Studies, Research Projects
Invested in Research
NEXT Vo/Tech Application Deadline
Explore SC&RF Programs
The SC&RF exists to support the SC&RA members and the industry through workforce development, educational assistance and research. Learn more about the SC&RF programs.
Scholarships & Grants
Apply Now
Financial Assistance
- Vo/Tech Scholarship
- Partner In Education Scholarship
- Company Training Grant
Become a Workforce Ambassador
Learn more
Raising Industry Awareness
Research Studies
Recent Studies Include:
- State of the Workforce
- Public Benefits & Economic Dependency
Get Involved in a Committee
The SC&RF has four volunteer committees who direct and oversee programs.
Research Committee
This committee oversees research projects to benefit the SC&RA member companies and the industry. Research is funded on an annual basis.
Communications/Dev. Committee
This committee serves in an advisory role to SC&RF staff by providing feedback on communications efforts, branding and providing content for the online video blog. Additionally, this committee is responsible for organizing the annual fundraising event at the SC&RA Annual Conference.
Educational Assistance Committee
The Educational Assistance committee oversees the awards program and the Partners In Education program. Awards include the Collegiate Scholarship, Vo/Tech Scholarship and Company Training Grant.
Workforce Committee
This committee is responsible for the Workforce Ambassadors program, creation and development of resources Ambassadors require to engage locally, and other national presence activities to raise industry awareness.
Donate Now!
Support scholarships, grants, workforce development and industry specific research with a contribution to the SC&RF.
The SC&RF (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Foundation) is a 501C3 organization associated with the international trade association - SC&RA - and wholly supported by company and individual financial contributions.